Privacy Policy
Your Privacy is our Policy and we are committed to protecting it. While using our Matka Tricks we may collect and use some necessary and related information. If some required information will not be provided by the user then it may not be able to register him/herself for using this Application or we may not be able to provide them our best services and updates. This is our main purpose behind a collection of some of the personal information from the user so that he/she can enjoy our updates and can get maximum benefits from our application. We would like to request you that Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our privacy policy and let us know if you have any difficulties.

Personal Information:-
We DO NOT collect save or practice any of your personal information while you visit, download or install our App. We may use some of your personal stuff only for the following aim:

Following circumstances may become a reason to disclose your personal informatiosn according to the user's wish or controls by law:

We may assemble data about the services which you use and the way you use them, for example when you view or interact with the services we collect some device-specific data (such as your hardware model, operating system version, device language and mobile network information).

NOTE: We will not distribute this data with any of the third parties.

Access Network State

This agreement is required for monitoring if you are attached to your internet while you are exporting/importing stuff of Matka Tricks new updates.


This approval is required for exporting/importing any file of Matka Tricks new data collection.